Sunday, March 13, 2011

Manifest Review and Checklist

Here are some practice questions in getting ready for Tuesday's exam.

1. Who created the phrase, "Manifest Destiny"? What does it mean?

2. Who was Lansford Hastings? What were two problems with his shortcut?

3. Which of the following was against the Mexican-American War?
A. Zachary Taylor B. Brigham Young
C. Walt Whitman D. James Russell Lowell

4. Who was the author of Civil Disobedience? What was the thesis of that essay?

5. State two reasons why a Congressmen would be against the annexation of Texas.

6. Why would a Southern Congressman be for the Mexican-American War?

7. What were two problems that emigrants going to Oregon faced on their journey?

8. What nation did James K. Polk sign a treaty with that set the boundary between Oregon and Canada?

9. What missionary died in Oregon after several conflicts with the local Native American tribes?

10. What future U.S. Presidents fought during the Mexican-American War?

11. What led to the rise of the fur trade in the Pacific Northwest?

12. What was economic reason that would motivate an American to move out West?

13. Explain how the United States obtained the following territories:




14. Who was Stephen F. Austin?

15. Give two motivating factors to join the U.S. army during the Mexican-American War?

16. Who was John C. Fremont?

Checklist for Monday

1. Quiz is completed

2. Donner Party blog entry is printed out

3. Mexican America War blog entry is printed out and in your binder

4. Oregon Trail Reading has been marked up.

5. p. 515 questions are in your binder

6. Eat a good breakfast

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