Our first topic of Facing History is Identity where we examine how we identify ourselves and how we believe others identify us. Last Thursday in class we discussed the roles that the media, family, and peers play in helping to shape our identity. All of these agents of socialization play a significant role in the development of our identity.
At a young age boys and girls learn what colors are considered "boys colors" and "girl colors" and what toys are "boy toys" and which ones are "girl toys". Children learn these lessons from watching commercials on T.V. and the lessons are often enforced by their peers.
On Friday you read The Bear that Wasn't, a book that offers an excellent lesson on how someone's identity can be changed because of the influence of others. When we study the history of Germany during the 1920s and 1930s, that lesson will be important to remember in helping to explain the rise of anti-Semitism and the rise of the Nazi Party.
This week we will continue our conversations on Identity as well as the concept that sometimes people put on a "mask' in certain situations for protection.
On Friday your Paper Bag Assignment is due. If you have any questions please contact me or see me during school.
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