Friday, October 21, 2011

Homeroom's Quiz: You guys are going to be my test group on this.

Name _______________________________________

Mr. Mullady

U.S. History

*There are NO OMITS on the Quiz*

1. What country did the Industrial Revolution originate?

2. Who invented the Spinning Jenny?

3. In the 18th Century, clothing was mostly made from what material?

4. Where did Samuel Slater build his first mill? (Include the state and present day city in your answer)

5. Which of the following is true regarding the Erie Canal?

A. The canal allowed goods from Connecticut to be sold in New York City.

B. The canal was an economic failure and bankrupted New York State.

C. The canal connected New York City to the Great Lakes, improving the New York economy.

D. The canal ran across Virginia and into Ohio.

6. Give two reasons that explain why shipping products on a clipper ship was expensive?

7. How did improve transportation lead to lower costs of products such as flour and grain?

8. Why are turnpikes considered to be part of the Transportation Revolution? What was unique about the turnpike system?

9. Explain the differences in payment methods of the Slater System and the Lowell System. Which form of payment gave the employees less freedom?

10. What were two reasons for a New England woman to travel to Lowell and try and get a job working at one of the mills?

11. Why were early factories in Europe and the United States built by rivers?

12. What is vertical integration and why was it so important to the Industrial Revolution?

13. When the Ohio Canal was extended, what two ports were now accessible to Ohio farmers?

14. Why were children hired to work at the Slater Mills?

15. Explain why the Cumberland Road was so important. Why did the Federal government pay for the creation of the project?

16. What day of the week is there breakfast in class?

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