Tuesday, January 4, 2011


For homework tonight, read and markup the handout on marronage in the American South. When you are finished please answer the following questions.

  1. What were Maroon Sociaties?

  1. Where were they located?

  1. List the options that an escaped slave had.

Petite Marronage

  1. How would a slave know when to return to the plantation?

  1. How could another plantation owner help a slave avoid being whipped?

  1. How were short run-aways similar to strikes?

  1. What was the common reason for a slave to leave the plantation for a short period of time?

Grand Marronage

  1. Where did some slaves manage to escape? Why those locations?

  1. Who were most often hired as slave hunters? What weapons did they use? Why?

  1. What do escape attempts show about the odds of the success of a slave insurrection (rebellion)?

  1. What Southern state became a hide away for runaway slaves? Why?

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