Sunday, February 5, 2012

Debate Results

Thank you all for a very spirited and lively debate of the Indian Removal Act this year. It is one of my favorite topics to teach and I look forward to the two day simulation every year. Here are the results for the winners of the 2012 Indian Removal Act Debate.

Period 1.

Winning Group: The Cherokee

Individual: Anna L-R.

Period 3.

Winning Group: The Jackson Administration

Individual: Olivia

Period 4.

Winning Group: The Jackson Administration

Individual: A Three Way Tie! Congrats to Will, Charlie, and Kelli.

Period 6.

Winning Group: The Missionaries

Individual: Alyssa

Period 7.

Winning Group: The Jackson Administration

Individual: Thomas.

Congrats to all the winners.

Enjoy the Game Today.

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