Friday, December 16, 2011

Practice Questions for the Test

The Life in the South Test is next Wednesday, December 21st. Here are some practice questions for you to work on.

1. What was the most common reason for a slave to run away for a short time?

2. Who was the inventor of the cotton gin?

3. What were three traits that Denmark Vessy, Nat Turner, and Gabriel Prosser had in common?

4. What were three cash crops that were grown in the South prior to the American Civil War?

5. Why would a plantation owner allow their slaves to own a small plot of land?

6. How did slaves use religion to inspire hope?

7. Explain the economic relationship between the North, South, and West.

8. Where were most Maroon Societies located? Why?

9. What is petite marronage?

10. What event inspired the Alabama slave codes?

11. Why were slaves not allowed to read or write?

12. Most Southerners owned slaves.

True or False

13. Why was Southern soil exhausted?

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