Friday, November 4, 2011

Lowell Checklist

Today in class I hope that you were able to add proper citations to your body paragraphs. Remember citations are needed in your paper when:

1. You are using somebody else's ideas and opinions.

The work at the Lowell Mills was physically demanding and many of the girls doubted if they could endure the work or not. (Lowell Mill Girls Reading, p. 3)

2. You are using a quote from one of your sources.


The bell schedule ruled the lives of the mill girls, "up before day, at the clang of the bell-into the mill." (Lowell Mill Girl Reading, p. 4)

3. When you are using a specific quote or data.


The decision to move to Lowell exposed the young women to a variety of disease, including croup, consumption, and cholera. Consumption would claim over 100 lives in 1846 alone. (Primary Source Packet, Source C.)

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