Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Textbook Reading on Slavery

Read pages 439-443. As you are reading answer the following questions.

  1. Who were the “drivers” on a plantation?
  2. What type of jobs could a slave have besides working out in the fields ? What were the pros and cons?
  3. How could a slave with a skilled job earn freedom?
  4. Give two examples of how the slave owners exerted control over the slaves.
  5. What were slave codes?
  6. What were folktales? Why were the important?
  7. How did white ministers attempt to use religion as another means of controlling slaves?
  8. How did the slaves use religion to inspire hope?
  9. What are spirituals?
  10. Who were Gabriel Prosser and Denmark Vessey?
  11. Who was Nat Turner?
  12. Some historians believe that Nat Turner knew that he would not be able to successfully escape the people who were out to punish him. If he remained in Virginia, he would be captured and placed on trial. If he managed to escape, there was a chance that he would be lynched by a white Southerner as retribution for the rebellion. A trial would ensure that he would have the opportunity to make a final statement. Do you agree with this theory? Why or Why not?

  1. What was a result of Nat Turner’s Rebellion?
  2. What were ways that slaves challenged the slave system?

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