Sunday, December 20, 2009

For the Test

The test tomorrow is open book so it could only help to have your notebook in good order. You are more than welcome to bring something to snack on during the test, I will provide some juice and iced tea. The test will be between 30 and 35 questions. There will be multiple choice, short answer, and a few fill in the blanks.

Some points to look over:

Explain how the cult of domesticity had a positive impact on Southern society.

Who were the yeomen? Why do we know more about the plantation owners then the yeomen?

How was racism used to unite the yeomen, poor whites, and the plantation owners?

What was the economic relationship between the North and South? Between the South and the West?

Overt Resistance and Covert Resistance.

Be able to name at least three Rolling Stones songs.

What was the original cash crop of the South?

What were four major cash crops of the South?

Why were cities larger in the North?

Good luck tomorrow and be sure to eat a healthy breakfast.

Hope you enjoyed the snow
~Mr. Mullady

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