Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thomas Jefferson

Many Historians refer to the election of 1800 as a crucial turning point in history.  Some go as far as calling it "The Revolution of 1800".  For the first time in American history one political party was voted out of office and replaced by another.  While other nations in the world had (and still have in some cases) experienced violence and bloodshed when governments changed hands, the transition of power in the United States was peaceful.
John Adams did not stay for the inauguration of Thomas Jefferson.  He missed Jefferson's speech that outlined the goals of the new President. In it, Jefferson outlined his goals for uniting the nation.  Many Federalists were concerned that with the Democratic-Republicans in power, they would try and get revenge on the Federalists for the policies that Adams had passed. 
Jefferson quickly put those fears to rest. He allowed some Federalists to keep their jobs in the government and even kept the National Bank that Hamilton had created.  In an effort to cut back on government spending, Jefferson cut military spending.  He reduced the size of both the army and the navy, saving the nation millions of dollars.

     Important Questions you should be able to answer.

1. Who became Jefferson's Sec. of State?

2. Who was the Sec. of Treasury under Thomas Jefferson?

3.  Why did Jefferson keep the National Bank?

4. What Federalist policies did Jefferson not keep?

Chance of Quiz on Friday 88%


page 339, answer questions 1 and 2

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